Heritage & Beyond


  • March 22, 2021
  • 6,245

Lotus Arts de Vivre has been acquiring Oriental furniture since the 1970s when Rolf von Bueren started visiting China and Japan on his tireless search for styles, techniques and perspectives employed by master-craftsmen. The pieces he collected over the years included designs that revelled in the aesthetic qualities of objects in everyday life, such as rosewood tables – which are extremely prized by collectors worldwide, and Japanese lacquer – a technique in Japanese history that expanded artistic expression.




This collection, therefore, boasts top quality pieces in terms of provenance, age, wood quality, construction, design and craftsmanship, the combination of which contribute to the rarity and value of each piece in the market now. Von Bueren acknowledges that it is necessary to have a keen eye, extreme patience in the time-consuming process of seeking out the best pieces, research and knowledge, not to mention good timing,




in making discerning acquisitions, as well as a reliable network of agents on the ground to act as eyes and ears. Usage of each piece is also an indicator of the value of the pieces; since they reflect the level of pleasure and luxury pursued by the wealthy - nobles, royal courts and wealthy aristocratic households of Asia.Apart from Oriental heritage pieces, Lotus Arts de Vivre has also collaborated with Muse Design which upholds a similar philosophy of using old-fashioned, handcrafted processes which render the most beautiful results of new pieces that embrace a modern aesthetic vision. 





Discover precious items and glamorous artworks of ‘Heritage & Beyond’ collection at Theatre of Indulgence Gallery (Rama III) from now until 31st May 2021.  The exhibition is open for public from 10 am – 5 pm, Monday – Friday. For an appointment, please contact 089-6676077 or visit www.lotusartsdevivre.com